This version of the documentation is for a version that has not yet been released, and features documented here may not be present in the latest release. You can see the latest stable version of the docs here.

Manually implementing ReactiveState

For all its benefits, the ReactiveState derive macro does have limitations, and you'll occasionally come across a state type that you just can't derive it on. Currently, this will apply to any enum state type (though this will be fixed in a future version), any struct with generics, and any other type where you need fine-grained control over exactly how its reactivity works. Most of the time, however, this will be totally unnecessary (though reading this page is still recommended for a conceptual understanding of how the macro works).

Note that, if you want custom reactive primitives, such as a reactive Vec, HashMap, etc., these already exist here, once you enable the rx-collections feature flag! If you'd like to extend these, see the module documentation, since it's highly structured to enable easy user extension (and please consider contributing your new types back to the community through a crate, and let us know if you do!).

What the macro does

The ReactiveState macro is responsible for the following (assuming your state is called MyState, with reactive alias MyStateRx):

  • Creating a reactive version of your state as a separate type (MyStateRx)
  • Implementing MakeRx<Rx = MyStateRx> for MyState
  • Implementing MakeUnrx<Unrx = MyState> for MyStateRx (including suspense implementation)
  • Implementing Freeze for MyStateRx

One thing worth noting is that the reactive type isn't actually called MyStateRx, it's named internally, and then given a type alias (but this behavior may change in future).

How to do that yourself

Your best resource for understanding how the macro works is the code itself, which is fairly self-explanatory if you look mostly at the quote! sections (which output the actual code the macro creates). Even if you have no experience with macro development, this code should at least be somewhat helpful to you: you can find it here.

1. Creating a reactive type

This is probably the easiest stage, because it just involves copying and pasting your existing type, just with all the fields being either wrapped in RcSignals or being their respective reactive version (e.g. if you're nesting the field foo of type FooState, which has ReactiveState derived, then you would use FooStateRx or similar here).

Be sure to derive Clone on this type.

2. Implementing MakeRx

The MakeRx trait is the backbone of the Perseus reactive state platform, but it's actually surprisingly simply to implement! All you need to do is something like this:

impl MakeRx for MyState {
    type Rx = MyStateRx;
    fn make_rx(self) -> Self::Rx {
        // Convert  `MyState` -> `MyStateRx`

Usually, the body of that make_rx() function will be simply wrapping all the existing fields in create_rc_signal, or calling .make_rx() on them, if they're nested.

3. Implementing MakeUnrx

The MakeUnrx trait is slightly more complicated, because it involves converting out of RcSignals, and also the suspense system. Like MakeRx, there is an associated type Unrx, which should just reference your unreactive state type (which must implement Serialize + Deserialize + MakeRx). For nested reactive fields, you can simply call .make_unrx() to make them unreactive, whereas non-nested fields will need something like this:


The trickiest part of this is the compute_suspense() function (which must be target-gated as #[cfg(client)]). If you're not using suspended state, you can safely leave the body of this completely empty, but if you are, you'll need to get acquainted with the compute_suspense and compute_suspense_nested functions. These simply take the provided Sycamore reactive scope, a clone of the reactive field, and then the future returned by your suspense handler.

The most complex part of this is the suspense handler, because you want to call the function, but not .await on it, meaning the future can be handled by Perseus appropriately. To do this, you'll want to call your handler like this:

    create_ref(cx, self.my_field.clone())

Notice how create_ref() is used on the field, which produces a reference scoped to the given context (incidentally, this is how all those scoped lifetimes are handled in Perseus).

4. Implementing Freeze

Once you've done MakeUnrx, you're over the hump, and now you can pretty much just copy this code, substituting in the names of your state types of course:

impl Freeze for MyStateRx {
    fn freeze(&self) -> String {
        use perseus::state::MakeUnrx;
        let unrx = self.clone().make_unrx();

That .unwrap() is nearly always absolutely safe, provided any maps in your state have simple stringifiable keys, as opposed to, say, tuples, which can't be keys in the JSON specification. If you are using a pattern like that, this would always panic, and that would unfortunately not be compatible with the Perseus state platform.

Unreactive state

If you find the UnreactiveState macro doesn't work for some particular one of your types (usually one with generics), you can always implement it manually by implementing the UnreactiveState trait, which has no methods, no associated types, and nothing else: it's simply a marker trait! Perseus then uses that to figure out how it should handle reactivity for those particular types.